Vinyl record cover redesign for an album by Norwegian singer-songwriter, AURORA in two different music genres.
The album title is “All My Demons Greeting Me As A Friend”.
ノルウェー出身のシンガーソングライター、AURORAのアルバムのアナログレコードジャケットをエレクトロポップとメタルの2つの異なる音楽ジャンルに合わせてデザインしました。アルバムのタイトルはAll My Demons Greeting Me As A Friend"です。
Classification: Brand identity, packaging, illustration
Media: Drawing pen, Photoshop, InDesign
Genre: Electro pop
The album cover depicts the ethereal feeling her songs have throughout the album with a delicate touch on typography. The girl is the hero image of the artwork that represents AURORA gazing up the sky.
Genre: Metal
The original album cover features AURORA herself in a cocoon with moth wings on her back. I intentionally imitated the composition of the artwork for the design of metal version in homage to the original, picking up the word "demon" as in the title to replace her.

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